
As Chris often disappears outside to work in the yard, I'm finding I will often disappear upstairs to work on crafts. Sometimes on one thing in particular, sometimes on five things randomly.
Regardless... it's a time to relax, slow down, & be creative.
I'm always up for sharing... so, check back often for updates.

November 30, 2009

Christmas time

I felt like sewing something- i found a fairly easy pattern online and began on it yesterday... the title of the bag 'one hour bag' wasn't a joke... I didn't make it all at once but in all it probably didn't take me much longer than an hour.

I love those kinds of projects.

Well, I haven't become the expert on heat embossing yet... but i still enjoy doing it. Basically, you just stamp a design on tissue paper then use the heat gun to 'melt' it onto the candle. I thought the plate needed a little extra decoration so i cut out some vinyl for that...

all in all i think it turned out well... (unless you look closely at the candles) haha


  1. LOVE that bag!!! If you have the pattern on your computer, will you share? I'm getting a sewing machine for Christmas and hope that with a little practice I'll be able to do some projects like this. If you have any other very easy patterns or projects, please pass on! I want to be a sewing mama but, as of now, can only sew on a button! :OP

  2. cute purse! Where id you get the pattern? I would love to make some for my girls!

  3. the website for the purse is:
