
As Chris often disappears outside to work in the yard, I'm finding I will often disappear upstairs to work on crafts. Sometimes on one thing in particular, sometimes on five things randomly.
Regardless... it's a time to relax, slow down, & be creative.
I'm always up for sharing... so, check back often for updates.

February 16, 2010

Attempt at making my own patter

Well, I ventured out... I felt like trying to make my own pattern... it's not completely original haha I took various ideas from other patterns I have.
The 'new' thing for me was doing the pleat- it's not perfect by any means- but it looks like a pleat right? I think I was semi successful :)
The band around the top was also something new for me-it was an easy and different way for me to sew the straps on.
It didn't take me as long as I thought it would- so needless to say, I'm a fan of these kinds of projects :)

February 03, 2010

using fun fabric

So, you know how you walk into a fabric store and say, 'oh, that's cute! really cute! but what the hec would i use that for?' Ya, i do that a lot...
which is why i like these projects...
I wanted to make a personalized makeup bag for myself... this is my first attempt... I love that it's small enough to use the obnoxious fabrics that i like :)
I used a slightly thicker fabric to make it a little more durable...
I might try to design another style...
for the use of more obnoxious fabric :) we shall see...