
As Chris often disappears outside to work in the yard, I'm finding I will often disappear upstairs to work on crafts. Sometimes on one thing in particular, sometimes on five things randomly.
Regardless... it's a time to relax, slow down, & be creative.
I'm always up for sharing... so, check back often for updates.

December 30, 2009

ok, so WHAT is this machine?

So, for Christmas I used the cricut quite a bit for gifts... might as well, right? In return, i got a few cricut cartridges... by the end of the day i think my brothers were thoroughly confused... matt went so far as to ask, ' ok, i don't get it... what is this machine?' it's pretty much amazing... that's what it is :) haha
I have to admit that this idea came from someone else... but i tweaked it and made it my own knowing that my mom would appreciate it! I might even have to make myself one :)

December 19, 2009

yo-yo crazy

so i saw this 'yo-yo' canvas thing while i was randomly looking online... i loved the look of it but thought that the only place in my house that i could get away with having yo-yo's was in my craft room... so- seeing as how i've never made a yo-yo, i brought in the crafty hands of my mom. She helped me pick out some fabric then spent the next few days making yo-yo's haha...she's the greatest ever.
I spent one evening laying them out, then the next attaching them... I think it turned out to be really cute and definitely not something you see every day :)